Posts tagged ‘Jim Croce’

September 25, 2010

Road Songs: New York’s Not My Home

Many a bus ride to New York, and back from New York, was spent staring out the window with this on repeat. For me, it’s the quintessential roadtrip song. Believe me, nothing cheers up the view of Connecticut more than this. I feel very profound when I listen to it, like I’ve just decided to leave my closed-minded family behind to finally go out to Hollywood and be in pictures. I’m going to be a big star!

That’s how this song makes me feel. Kind of sad but kind of hopeful. I had never seen footage of Jim Croce before and was completely surprised by his amazing ‘stache. I hadn’t realized how Wes Anderson-ian this song is. I don’t think it’s been in one of his movies yet, but oh boy, how it should be. Especially with Maury Muehleisen quietly providing gentle harmonies in the back. These guys were so ahead of every hipster I go to school with.